Smoothie Recipes

Smoothie's are a great method of loosing weight, they are simple to make and easy to drink. Here's some recipes to get you started!

White Smoothie
5 raw almonds (whole or chopped)
1 red apple, unpeeled, cored and chopped
1 small banana, frozen and cut into chunks
125ml fat-free natural Greek yoghurt
185g skimmed milk
1/2tsp ground cinnamon
Combine all ingredients in a blender and blitz until you reach your desired consistency.
Red Smoothie
125g frozen raspberries
35g frozen blueberries
½ orange, peeled
1 scoop vanilla protein powder
1tbsp ground linseeds
Combine all ingredients in a blender and blitz until you reach your desired consistency.
Green Smoothie
60g spinach leaves
1 ripe pear, unpeeled, cored and chopped
15 green or red grapes
185g fat-free natural Greek yoghurt
2tbsp chopped avocado
1-2tbsp fresh lime juice
Combine all ingredients in a blender and blitz until you reach your desired consistency.

Now On Youtube!

Hello All!!

From now on we will now be posted all of our weight loss tips in video form on youtube! I hope you are all as excited with this move as we are. Don't worry about the blog we will continue posting all sorts of weight loss content!

New E-Book!

Hello all, I have just added a great new E-Book to the free E-Book section!

This one is titled Weight Loss Camp Extreme, It's for those of you who are looking for some hardcore weight loss in a short space of time.

Hope you enjoy it, You can find the E-Book section here!

More Great Meal Ideas

I found more great meal ideas that are cheap easy and quick to make! Eating healthy is the quickest was to loose weight.

Here's the link:

 You can find a whole load of more great tips for loosing weight in this great e-book you can download here!

An Awesome Tip

Hey there, today I was looking through some of the latest tips and tricks on loosing weight and I found this one which I thought was really interesting. Here's the link and remember keep on losing!

You can find a whole load of more great tips for loosing weight in this great e-book you can download here!

A Great Tip About Coffee

Here's yet another great tip for loosing weight!

Limit your coffee intake - Limiting your coffee intake can help you lose weight, especially if you usually use cream and sugar with it. 

However, this does not mean that coffee itself, can actually cause you to gain weight. Drinking coffee can actually boost your energy, which is good to use just before going to the gym. Aside from that, recent studies indicate that it does not dehydrate you as what others would say. 

You can find a whole load of more great tips for loosing weight in this great e-book you can download here!

Spinach Tip

Another Great Tip For Dieting!

Eat more Spinach! - When you are at the grocery store to buy more green leafy vegetables, you should prioritize spinach more than the other ones. This is because it contains more fiber than the other kinds. With more fiber intake, you would be helping your body in burning more fats, as well as in curbing your appetite.

Great Motivation Tips

Great Motivation Tips!

I was browsing the internet the other and found some really helpful tips on loosing weight motivation, Here's the link:

You can find a whole load of more great tips for loosing weight in this great e-book you can download here!

Dog Walking Tip

Hello all I am here today with another great tip for loosing weight!

Get yourself a pet dog (Or any type of pet for that matter) - When you go and visit the park, take a look around you, and you will see people with their pets. One of the things that you can observe is that, most pet owners are not fat. 

This is because their pets can increase their daily physical activities, when they walk them around the neighborhood each day. Aside from that, if you have a pet, you can play with him all day, without realizing that you are already burning calories. 

You can find a whole load of more great tips for loosing weight in this great e-book you can download here!

Posture Tip

Hi all and Welcome to the blog!

I thought I would start it all off with a great tip that alot of people would overlook,

Maintain proper posture - Maintaining a proper posture when sitting or standing will surprisingly do a whole lot when it comes to loosing weight. By maintaining a proper posture it will help develop your core muscles and keep your abdominal muscles tight reducing that flabby tummy!

Hope this tip helps you on your journey!

You can find a whole load of more great tips for loosing weight in this great e-book you can download here!