Great Motivation Tips

Great Motivation Tips!

I was browsing the internet the other and found some really helpful tips on loosing weight motivation, Here's the link:

You can find a whole load of more great tips for loosing weight in this great e-book you can download here!

Dog Walking Tip

Hello all I am here today with another great tip for loosing weight!

Get yourself a pet dog (Or any type of pet for that matter) - When you go and visit the park, take a look around you, and you will see people with their pets. One of the things that you can observe is that, most pet owners are not fat. 

This is because their pets can increase their daily physical activities, when they walk them around the neighborhood each day. Aside from that, if you have a pet, you can play with him all day, without realizing that you are already burning calories. 

You can find a whole load of more great tips for loosing weight in this great e-book you can download here!

Posture Tip

Hi all and Welcome to the blog!

I thought I would start it all off with a great tip that alot of people would overlook,

Maintain proper posture - Maintaining a proper posture when sitting or standing will surprisingly do a whole lot when it comes to loosing weight. By maintaining a proper posture it will help develop your core muscles and keep your abdominal muscles tight reducing that flabby tummy!

Hope this tip helps you on your journey!

You can find a whole load of more great tips for loosing weight in this great e-book you can download here!